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The Proven Client Conversation Framework for Consistent Sales

For as long as I can remember, all of my high-ticket clients came from very simple conversations.

Closed deals ranged anywhere from $1.3k to $4k per month in recurring revenue.

I never had to do any selling — there was never a need for it.


Because once you meet certain prerequisites, closing a client becomes effortless.

No matter if that’s on a sales call or just by sending a Google Doc offer.

The environment is there for it to happen.

But in order to get more sales consistently, we need to start talking to more people.

That’s the first step.

Why You Should Talk to People Daily

There are a lot of misconceptions about making money online:

  • Just build the audience, and the money will come
  • Post content and hope that you go viral
  • Hope that you rank on Google and somehow magically make money

The problem?

In all of those cases, it takes too much time, and you are not in control of your income.

All online businesses operate with the same fundamentals.

Imagine you’re on a deserted island.

You have one phone call to a friend. That friend puts some food on a small wooden boat and pushes it out to sea.

Hoping that it finds its way to you.

The sea, in this case, is the internet or social media.

What are the chances you’ll get that food before you starve? Probably close to zero, right?

It’s the same with money. If your strategy is hoping and praying, you won’t make any money online.

You need to be in the driver’s seat. You need to be in control of your life and your finances.

The only way for that to happen is for you to learn how to fish. How to go out to the shore, grab a spear, and hunt down a fish yourself.

That’s how you’ll sustain yourself, especially when starting online.

Who needs your help? Who needs your skill? Find them, and you will prosper.

The only real solution is for you to go to clients, because clients will not come to you at first.

Which means you just need to talk to more people every single day.

This is the main strategy for many successful online entrepreneurs who earn between $40k and $100k per month and more.

Even with a huge following and content to attract clients (which is the long-term play), all of their social media are still set up to facilitate conversations in the back end.

This is done via an email list, a Skool community, a Facebook Group, sales calls, or even Telegram channels.

The only difference is that prospects come to them first thanks to their distribution channels.

This puts them in a seat of authority and makes the sale even easier.

Conversations lead to conversions. And conversions lead to cash flow.

So no matter if you’re doing inbound or outbound requests, have conversations every day.

That’s how you’ll close your next high-ticket clients.

Once you take control and learn the skill of client acquisition – actually getting clients for yourself on demand – that’s when you’ll truly be free.

In the Conversations to Dollars workshop, I walk you through the $1,000 offer template I used to turn simple conversations into paying clients.

When you take control over client acquisition, you make cash faster than any other business model.

Instead of spending months and even years on “passive income,” you get to make money on demand when you need it the most.

Because you’re in control.

Control is one of the fundamental commandments from the CENTS framework, which author MJ DeMarco coined in his book The Millionaire Fastlane.

Your cash flow is in your hands, not an algorithm.

You control your income and your stress levels, not an external force.

The Proven Client Conversation Framework

You might be wondering:

  • Who do I talk to?
  • What do I say?
  • Where do I find these people?
  • What do I offer?
  • How do I close them?
  • How do I get paid?

Let’s break it down into a high-level overview:

1. Two Types of Clients

There are two types of clients:

Your Own Clients

You’re closing clients for yourself and helping them achieve a specific goal or overcome a problem, typically done via coaching and consulting.

Start a free Skool group and funnel people interested in what you have to say, offer, and your skills into one place.

In an environment where you are the creator, it becomes much easier to build trust and authority, network, and have natural conversations with people who are interested in paying you.

You can also leverage paid masterminds or groups you’re already part of to find targeted clients who have already been vetted.

Freelance Clients

Clients you do work for, typically done via freelancing and project work for others.

Use social media and send DMs daily to close clients. The more effort you put in, the easier it becomes.

From the perspective of control, having client conversations yourself lets you dictate how much you get paid.

You don’t have to rely on platforms like UpWork, which is a crowded marketplace and a race to the bottom anyway.

2. Prerequisites for Effortless Conversations

For this client conversation framework to work, you need these prerequisites in place:

Prove Your Value and Competence Consistently

When I closed a client in a private mastermind group, I first had to show I had the skills and that I could provide what they were seeking.

It’s only natural and expected by any client.

I contributed value and showed competence, not just told about it but actually showed my skills.

Provide free value. Send a video. Do something for a potential client without asking for anything in return.

Ask Questions to Uncover Client Needs

Understand exactly what issues your potential clients are struggling with.

What are they trying to achieve? Where are the roadblocks? What problems do they have?

This is actually one of the major mistakes people make:

Not researching prospects, their problems, and their needs.

And it only makes you a laughing stock and a surefire way of never landing a client if you mess this up.

It’s your job to figure out if you can help them.

Only move on once this is done.

Have an Offer Ready to Go

There’s no real reason to drag anything on at this point in the conversation.

You just need to close the sale.

They’re obviously interested in working with you, and you’ve already uncovered their needs and problems, so just present your offer and what you charge.

Be confident and show them what you can do and how much you want for your skill.

By this point, a sale should not be an issue.

It’s all about having the right offer ready at the right time.

Because clients only care about two things:

  1. Making more money in their business
  2. Saving time (or rather, compressing time – essentially, less work)

You’re helping someone make more money faster and easier.

If you can prove that you can do it for them, you’ve proven your experience, you’ve talked to them, and you have an offer—everything is in place for a sale to happen.

So whenever you want to bump up your income or close more clients, just have more conversations.

It’s that simple.

“Conversations lead to conversions. And conversions lead to cash flow.”

Don’t leave your success to chance and take control of your client acquisition process.

— Chris

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