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Finding Your Ideal Client Avatar To Close High-Ticket Deals

The Big Problem: Talking to the Wrong People at the Wrong Time

When you want to close and attract a high-ticket client, who you talk to matters. A lot.

I’ve tried a bunch of different ways to land high-ticket clients:

  • From cold emails to brands to sending DMs
  • Getting inbound requests
  • Talking to people in paid masterminds

Where your potential clients are in their sales funnel journey matters more than you might think. It’s often referred to as customer journey mapping.

I remember my early days of sending cold DMs, thinking I had a warm prospect.

Only to get shot down with a slap in the face and a sobering comment about what the hell I’m doing.

The hard truth?

It’s about aligning who you’re speaking to and knowing you can actually help them with something.

If there’s a mismatch, you’ll miss the mark and burn your credibility in the process.

The root of the problem is this:

  1. We’re often talking to the wrong people
  2. We don’t understand where our prospects are in their buyer’s journey
  3. We’re trying to sell without understanding our ideal clients’ pain points

So, how do we fix this?

I’ve got two powerful strategies that have worked wonders for me and my clients.

But first, let’s talk about the dream scenario: inbound leads.

It’s the best way to land clients when potential prospects come to you first and open a discussion.

It becomes much easier to sell because you’ve already:

  • Proved your authority
  • Built trust
  • Most likely showcased your skills with content online

But here’s the catch: building an authority brand takes time. It’s a long-term strategy.

Since we want to improve cash flow and close high-ticket clients faster, we need to understand where they are in the sales funnel and how to identify our ideal client avatar.

Understand the Sales Funnel

Imagine your typical sales funnel – an inverted pyramid.

At the top of the funnel is where potential clients and prospects are cold.

We want to move people from cold to warm to hot prospects.

That’s why you see people sending mass cold DMs on X or cold emails fail massively.

  • The prospects don’t know who we are
  • We haven’t proven ourselves
  • We don’t have any authority

So, our messaging and attention to detail become extremely important.

The less people know about you, the more you need to pay attention to details.

So the question is, how can we only talk to our ideal customer avatar who has cash and wants our skills?

Let’s find your ideal clients and the two insights that can help you solve this problem.

Finding Your Ideal Clients

The thing is, it doesn’t have to be complex.

Forget about writing down a demographics analysis, psychographic profiling, or behavioral patterns. Nonsense.

Here’s what really works in the real world:

  1. Go into environments where your ideal clients are
  2. Identify a problem they have that you could solve
  3. Showcase your experience and help them

This customer-centric business approach is all I ever did to close my biggest high-ticket clients.

I was in the right environment where people needed help with a specific skill or problem, and I showed that I could do it through experience, results, and testimonials.

That’s all you need.

So to summarize: you have a skill, people need that skill, and you show an offer together with experience related to that skill without looking like a douchebag.

Solution 1: The Group Funneling Strategy

The group funneling strategy is what I call when you go to environments favorable to you, such as paid masterminds and communities.

Think about Skool, which is run by Sam Ovens and Alex Hormozi, two of the biggest marketers in our current industry.

I even saw a post where Russell Brunson has joined and created his own community on Skool as well.

With the rise of AI and more people craving connection with other human beings, communities are here to stay and growing exponentially.

In a marketing study by TheTilt, courses, products, and services are the most profitable revenue sources besides coaching and consulting.

And now we have the opportunity to integrate three revenue sources into one community, amazing.

Back to the funneling strategy, this is why paid masterminds/communities are lucrative to find clients:

  • Members have already vetted themselves as having money
  • They’re in an environment where they are looking to learn and grow
  • You have a chance to showcase your expertise and experience organically

If you want to learn my step-by-step framework for turning your liabilities into assets without being salesy or breaking any rules, check out the Conversations to Dollars workshop.

But here’s the logic:

If people are part of a community, a group, or a paid mastermind, they have already paid. They have already vetted themselves to have money. This is not the case when you go to social media and try to prospect and send cold DMs to people.

The challenge?

You’re in someone else’s community or mastermind, which means you can’t just go around and sell people because that’s salesy.

It’s a bad move because you’ll probably step on the toes of the creators of those masterminds, which will get your account in trouble and might get you kicked out quite fast.

But here is the gist of it: You have to become irreplaceable.

Do that, and you’ll get the attention you need to have opportunities come to you.

It’s much like content online; you showcase your experience and expertise and build trust.

That’s what I did, and I made over $7k/m online with less than 200 followers on socials for years.

You’re simply building elsewhere.

Now, on to the next approach, which is more scaleable and has unlimited leads.

Solution 2: The Smart Cold Outreach Approach

If you’re not in paid masterminds or don’t want to use group funneling, cold outreach is your only option while you’re building your online presence.

Here’s how to prospect your ideal clients on socials:

Look for accounts that actually have something going on in their business, meaning:

  • Do they have something to sell?
  • Are they struggling with something you can help with?
  • Do they have engagement on socials?
  • Do they have a website?
  • Does it look like they’re trying to grow?

Create a list of people that meet these criteria and also make sure to check who they follow. Chances are they’ll follow people who are similar to them.

Here’s where most people go wrong, though:

They just start spamming mass outreach DMs to all of these accounts without even doing any research.

If you can’t bother checking how you can help them with a problem, if they are even in need of it, or if they are a good fit for your business?

Good luck.

Since you’re doing cold outreach, you have to pay attention to details, this is crucial.

  • Match your skills with their needs
  • Find people who can actually benefit from your service
  • Help them save time or make more money

Those are the people you DM.

This is very powerful and simple to do, but not easy.

The pro is that you’re taking client acquisition into your own hands before your content marketing strategy picks up the work for you.

Until then?

Send those DMs.

Putting It All Together

Whether you choose the group funneling strategy or smart cold outreach, you’re now equipped to find the ideal client avatar that you can help.

Here’s what to do next:

  1. If you’re someone who’s in the football niche, then obviously find accounts on social media that are football-interested and have a business
  2. Or, become irreplaceable in paid masterminds you’re already part of that are related to your skill, and start helping there
  3. Meanwhile, create insightful content online to grow your presence so the content can do the heavy lifting for you in time

The goal is to initiate inbound conversations that lead to high-ticket conversations.

By strategically positioning yourself and talking to your ideal clients, you’re solving the “talking to the wrong people” problem.

This newsletter is already quite long, and we have a bunch of other stuff to cover, such as how to initiate a conversation or get invited to a conversation through inbound.

But I’ll cover that in another newsletter. Or if you can’t wait, check the workshop for the details.

— Chris

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